Last year, as an e-marketer, you could still approach your management with nice open and click rates. In 2012, you have to convince them with rock-solid financial ROI. It is time to consider how you can achieve maximum results. How do you let as few addresses as possible get lost, do you come at the right time with the right message and what do you do with social mia? Here are the Top Ten Tips for e-mailings that generate more sales.
Follow the Email Code
Since 1 January 2012, the Code for the Distribution of Advertising via E-mail (PDF) applies , a code of conduct for everyone who sends denmark telegram data e-mails. It is an elaboration of the principle of consent that is already laid down in the Telecommunications Act. Most important rules for building and handling your e-mail address file:
The recipient must have given consent for commercial or charitable email communications through an active action (e.g. by ticking a box on a registration form). You do not ne consent for existing customers, but when obtaining the address you must point out that the address can be us for commercial emails.
Every single mailing must contain the possibility to unsubscribe. The ‘from’ field of the email must include the label (brand or company name).
A noreply address is not allow as a reply address.
In a ‘tell-a-friend’ action, the name of the person forwarding the message must be includ in the ‘from’ field.
2. Set concrete goals
With email marketing, you get direct feback on the success of your campaigns, . Unsubscribing must be through the open and click rates. But what really matters in the end is the movement of the recipient to conversion in the marketing-sales pipeline. There are recipients in different stages of the purchasing process: from supe tips for selling products online from home rficially interest to buyers looking for a good price-performance ratio. Define the conversion moments that are relevant to your organization and cuba leads focus your email messages on this. By then measuring your conversions, you are better able to.