Enjoy your reading.
Not long ago I wrote about scenarios changed by the 2008 The war in financial crisis and then by the pandemic. But that was just the beginning. the picture, in a chaos of crises: the energy one, the social one, increasingly serious, The war in climate one, whose effects are increasingly evident and dramatic, and a lot of fear of the future. The moment is complex, difficult, but, without false optimism, it can be the right push to change for the better. Many believe so.
Many companies, many SMEs,
Think so, for example, and are increasingly lithuania phone number library focusing their resources on the issues of welfare, CSR and sustainability. According to the “PMI Welfare Index 2022 Report” , 87.5% of companies that invest in welfare as a strategic lever of their business generate an important and significant social impact on their stakeholders. Which are certainly workers and their families, customers, suppliers but also the communities of reference. Today, more and more often, especially that non-profit that is the first interface of the communities and areas of greatest hardship.
No “do-goodism”
according to the Report, from the correlation of welfare indices on the build an email campaign for business growth balance sheets of about 2600 companies between 2019 and 2021, it emerged that their profit on turnover doubled, compared to companies with basic welfare. Consumers reward companies that make an effort.
For the Third Sector, for the non-profit world, it is excellent awb directory news: it is a new player, finally, truly, on the social scene, leaner and with great know-how. With whom to make partnerships and projects. But it definitely calls us to a change of pace, necessary for us too. Without any more excuses and prejudices. In order to work together, we need professionalism, skills, which must not be the same, but complementary to each other. We must learn to give our commitment the ability to produce a real, concrete, tangible impact. We must learn to present, to make proposals, to make strategies, to imagine and create effective partnerships.