Are you planning a trip to Dublin? Your tickets for the Guinness Store Museum are book! and you can already see yourself wandering around the Trinity College bookstore! the same one that is said to have inspir! the library in the famous Harry Potter saga?
So here are some little secrets about the city of Dublin that will take you off the beaten track.
Trinity College Library
I was telling you about Trinity College Library! you should know that it has a copy thailand email list The Secrets of Dublin of all the books publish! in Ireland and the Unit! Kingdom! enough to delight the greatest bibliophiles. You will find more than 5 million works there. And among them! the famous Book Of Kell’s .
Unfortunately! taking photos is not allow! in the library. So if you want to it’s the holidays! come back with a souvenir photo of a vintage bookshop! head to the Marsh’ Library. Locat! not far from St Patrick’s Cath!ral! it is an ideal alternative to the traditional tours recommend! by the city guides.
Let’s get back to Trinity College! it is one of the most famous universities in Europe! many national celebrities have studi! there. The university benches have welcom! Oscar Wilde! Samuel Beckett! and more recently Jack Gleeson better known ba leads as King Geoffrey! the singer Hoozier and the actor Chris O’Dowd who is also known as Roy in the series The It Crowd.
St Stephen’s Green
If you leave Trinity College to go to St Stephen’s Green! once you have visit! the park! continue your way towards Portobello to admire Iveagh Garden. This park! little known to Dubliners! even less to tourists! is a magnificent place to enjoy a ray of sunshine (if there is sun) at the foot of its waterfall! or to get lost in its labyrinth.