It also analyses the best time to use these hashtags and informs us which followers do so.
And you, do you use hashtags in your social media campaigns?
7.- social bearing
twitter tools – social bearing
a free tool that allows you to extract all the information from an account or a hashtag just by putting it on the web.
It also allows you to search for users by the hashtag you select.
8.- crowdriff
twitter tools – crowdriff
it is a google chrome application that allows you to extract results from any account you choose.
Some of which are:
the retweets
the favorites
the most used hashtags
the accounts that mention you the most
tweets per day
where do those tweets come from?
Whether from the native web, the philippines phone number library mobile application or third-party applications.
tools for twitter –
with this tool for twitter you can control your followers at all times, as it allows monitoring of them.
What we get with are:
the tweets you can retweet
as well as who you should thank for some of the features it offers are retweeting, thanking for being a new follower, or who you should consider following or unfollowing.
Analyze your community in depth
generate leads
conduct campaigns
reports. Only available for the last fb users three days in the free version
10.- twitter analytics
tools for twitter – twitter analytics
just because it’s the native tool for twitter doesn’t mean we should despise it, quite the opposite.
I think it is the most complete way to extract analysis data from each of our tweets.