In this context? for those who work with media relations Quality of the (also called? in my opinion reductively? press office) the doubt of being now residual if not at risk of archiving is legitimate.
Yet? and fortunately for us? visibility on the so-called “classic” media (paper or digital newspapers? radio? television) continues to be an important tool for building less superficial knowledge (compared to other channels) and above all the reputation of an organization? Quality of the especially among the reference stakeholders. Passing through a dimension that also seems a bit residual but that retains another type of charm: that of the human relationship and creativity that arises from the meeting between people. It is the dimension of the relationship? of the comparison? of working hand in hand with journalists.
Like all activities that face
Fierce competition? media relations require? to be effective? a macedonia phone number library professionalism that can be built with the right training ? which must know the context in which it operates and evolve with it but above all be based on quality and intellectual honesty.
First of all knowing how to identify? or build truly valuable content to propose to the media. It requires us to listen and understand what is really of interest to the audiences we want to reach? and therefore to the interlocutors with whom we must deal? the journalists.
Intellectual honesty means helping
The organizations we work for to escape from awb directory self-referentiality? to understand what use email campaigns to build thought leadership really makes sense to communicate and to do it well. Building with ? and not only for journalists? the opportunities to tell the contents that we are interested in enhancing.
Third Sector organizations have? in most cases? people at the center of their purpose . They therefore have a habit of relating? comparing? collaborating that can also be put to good use in communication.