Choose the right tone of voice . Try to think like the recipient of your message: does he prefer to be address formally or informally? Think about yourself too: your message should match the DNA of your company/offer;
Introduce yourself in a one-sentence pitch , e.g. “I am Jeroen Sakkers (25) and I am the founder of Victor Mundi – the digital office for entrepreneurs.”
Provide a very, very (!) short version of the story behind your company , in a maximum of three sentences, for example: “Inspir by X, we set out to solve problem(s) Y/Z for companies/people (…)”
State the reason for writing to the recipient (a mutual contact? a shar interest or group? a news article or blog you just read?)
Incentive: don’t tell your dream customer exactly what you offer (yet!), but stimulate him by offering a cup of Now it is time to coffee or lunch and oman telegram data asking him for an hour of his valuable time
Get to the point: The recipient of your message probably doesn’t have a lot of time (who does, these days?), so be direct and suggest two or three dates when you can meet up – preferably two or three weeks after the date the message was sent, in a location close to your dream client’s office.
It may feel strange, but number these options: this way your dream client can easily respond to your message by simply saying “Yes, option 2” – saving you and the recipient a lot of time
End your message with an out for the recipient so they don’t feel bad about declining your date request (e.g., “Let me know if you’re interest. If not, no problem!”)
Add your contact information (email address, (mobile) phone number, Twitter profile, etc.)
Did you manage to make the appointment? Then you have an hour to pitch yourself and your proposal to your dream client. You still have to get it yourself (unfortunately, social networks don’t do that for you), so go for it!
Find your fans (and capitalize on them)
Another way to build a customer base or tribe and generate revenue is to start a LinkIn group. Most successful LinkIn upscribe provides detailed demographics, groups are built around big brands, websites or shar interests. Since you are not a big brand (yet), find a problem, challenge or shar cuba leads interest that affects you and your potential customers (e.g. ‘Freelance HR’, ‘Beat Dunbar’s Number’ or ‘Running in Business’).