The way back
After traveling far away. A the hero returns to his ordinary life. He needs to take off his superhero cape and return to his comfort zone. A where he has left people waiting for him and feels safer.
On this path back. A however. A the character questions journey to do business whether this is really the best choice. Should he go back or continue facing challenges? Is the comfort zone still as good as he remembered?
11. The resurrection
The return of his antagonist is the milestone brazil phone number data that makes him understand that he needs to keep fighting. At that moment he accepts the challenge and fights again. But this time. A he definitively defeats his archenemy.
In the resurrection he receives the recognition journey to do business of all and establishes himself as an unquestionable hero. A the savior of all.
12. The return with the elixir
Finally. A the story ends. A represented by his return with the elixir or reward. He returns to his place of origin. A now stronger and more prepared. He is recognized by everyone. A acclaimed and highly praised.
From that moment on. A the hero lives a fuller 5 inbound sales metrics every ceo should track now and more transformed life. In some stories. A he embarks on other adventures and does not stay in his comfort zone. In other stories. A he returns to the common place and “retires”.
The hero’s journey is a device that is often used journey to do business in movies and TV. A as you may have noticed. However. A it can also be an excellent marketing strategy for your business .
You can use the stages of the journey to describe italy numbers your own story if you are the persona that has been transformed. In other words. A the person who has gone through the challenges that your client is facing today. A overcome them. A and returned to help them.
A great example of a transformed persona is when journey to do business someone discovers an extremely powerful method. With this discovery. A the “hero” of the story solves his problems. A such as achieving his big dream or getting out of debt. A for example. A and then shares what he discovered with other people.
However. A you don’t need to have faced challenges journey to do business to use the hero’s journey. It’s important to remember that the main character of your story. A when it comes to generating business and sales. A should always be your customer.
Therefore. A you can use the hero’s journey to present to your audience the gains they will have in the future. By representing the journey. A they will understand the transformation or benefits that your product or service is capable of generating and thus will buy from you.