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Intelligent Case Swarm model

When an agent escalates a case to the next level, it can feel like a lack of accountability and management. Unless they receive formal training, agents don’t learn new skills or advance in their careers. Recognizing these issues at Salesforce, we set out to solve them by adopting a new . We redefined our strategy by creating swarm pods , which allow customers to access more expertise through the support of a pool of engineers.

Case Swarm puts the customer

We use Service Cloud to route the case to gambling data turkey a swarm pod manager who brings in the necessary experts from Salesforce. at the center of the support experience. This type of support model is designed to ensure that customers interact with a single case manager, someone who has ready access to the expertise needed to resolve each issue quickly. Default collaboration, no escalation Each of our swarm pods supports a different Salesforce product, although some pods offer specific skills or specializations.

We use Slack as our collaboration tool

Support engineers collaborate within their own pods and can also jump into other pods to offer help. There’s no need to escalate a complex issue—everyone collaborates by default , so the case manager can quickly connect with the right person or people to resolve the issue. because of its flexible and feature-rich environment. Slack enables cross-functional teams to communicate and make decisions in real time, regardless of location.

Slack gives our support pods the flexibility

Because it will integrate with Service Cloud, the full case history will be easily accessible from within those conversations, creating a simpler agent experience in one collaborative place.to collaborate to quickly resolve even the most challenging issues . Here’s how it works: When a technician needs help with a case, the pod manager issues a swarm request in the appropriate Slack channels, asking other pods, cross-functional subject matter experts, and managers to start the Case Swarm process.

Slack bots help monitor and process

Built-in workflows in Slack automate the create email campaigns that drive sales processes that support agents use to bring the right experts into the swarm pod to collaborate on the case. channel activity , post messages to channels, react to member activity, and make channel messages interactive with buttons. This approach enables our technicians to resolve customer issues faster, while sparing customers the complexity and multiple steps of a traditional support model.

Case Swarm process

As a result, Salesforce has seen a 26% reduction facebook users in case resolution times since introducing a tiered support model through Case Swarm with Slack, even as we’ve seen an increase in customers and case volume over the same period. “ Salesforce has seen a 26% reduction in case resolution times since introducing Case Swarm with Slack.” Learn, educate and assist in real time With the our engineers regularly collaborate with engineers from other pods while also working closely with highly skilled experts in their fields.

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