In a large umbrella network of brokers, a solution must be found for the current deadlock in the housing market. Everyone waits to buy until their own house is sold. But in a large network, there is a good chance that you will complete a circle between, for example, four homeowners who simultaneously sell to each other or buy from each other. A buys the house from B, B from C, C from D and he buys the house from A. Should be doable. The bank comes to the rescue for small differences, a notary does the georgia phone number list transaction in a slightly longer stroke of the pen and the broker also uses adjust rates for this series deal. Everyone is satisfi and the housing market is pull back on track.
The KOS power of a network is much greater than we realize
The condition is that it is organiz and that people are not fragment over multiple networks.
The proof
In a network of 4 people, six connections are possible:
The formula is as follows: in a network of n people, n(n-1)/2 connections are possible. So: in a network of 23 people, 253 connections are possible.
The probability that two random people have their birthdays on the same day is 1/365 (we do not consider leap years). The probability that two random people do not have their birthdays on the same day is therefor.
You have to multiply
A this probability 253 times – for the network of 23 people with 253 connections. I gave this formula to lob directory Wolfram Alpha, and it came up with the following result:
So the probability that none of the 23 people have their birthdays on the same day is 49.95228%.
This means that the probability that two people do have their . In a network of 2 people birthdays on the importance of call tracking the same day is (1-49.95228), which is more than 50%.
This column was also publish in Het Financieele Dagblad .