How Small Data can In times of digital transformation. There has been a lot of talk about Big Data. But Small Data has increasingly become an important digital marketing tool – especially for small and medium-companies.
While Big Data requires the support of data
Specialists with a lot of expertise in the subject. A good dose of financial investment and technology tools, Small Data is an easier path.
And the most interesting thing is that companies generally explore only 12% of their Small Data data. As a result, 88% of the information goes – which can mean a good number of lost business and sales.
>In this article, we will explain a little more about Small Data and all the advantages it can bring to your business. See below.
What is Small Data?
Small Data is made up of data that is easy to access. It is part of a leaner universe and can be easily understood by professionals looking for france telegram data insights that can be put into practice.
It can help your company improve operational processes, increase ROI and generate better performance in the organization as a whole.
When your Sales team works with Small
Data, it is possible to increase conversion rates, be more accurate when determining your sales goals and ensure that your leads are better recent followers through the sales funnel.
>And Small Data can help your Marketing team measure conversion rates more objectively and fine-tune the production of supporting content that is made available during. The consumer journey.
The great advantage is that your company already has its Small Data at hand. And a 24-hour analysis, without major technology investments or hiring super specialists, can already bring great benefits to your business.
Small Data is about people
The first step to making Small Data work for your be numbers sales is to implement a data-driven culture at all levels of your company.
>This means that everyone from the board of directors to your inbound team must have a mindset of seeking data and information about customers. The solutions sold, and what they have in terms of results and benefits for your customers.
Adapting to technology is the easiest part
There are a number of cloud-tools and systems. Software as a service (SaaS), and products that can extract and process your data and ensure that your team has a series of completely clear information to work with.
At this stage, it is essential to have all the metrics – your KPIs – and ensure that everyone knows and understands them in depth.
A culture of data transparency to work
In parallel with this action. Only then will your team be in the processes necessary to achieve all the proposed objectives.
It may seem a little utopian or fanciful to open all the information to the entire team, but it is possible to find a viable path that allows them to be involved in the company’s growth strategy.
From here, it’s important that you, as CEO or board member, encourage your team to not only operate the analytics tools, but to adopt a data-driven approach: asking data-driven questions and seeking answers that can bring new insights.
Small things can change the history of your company
Lego and Havaianas are two excellent cases of Small Data application that changed the history of their companies.
Lego reversed its near-bankruptcy situation after a conversation between its team of experts and a young German Lego fan, who was also a big skateboarder.
The insights gathered from this conversation showed that this generation was really looking for more than just instant gratification – but something worth sharing, something worth bragging about.
From then on, the company its
Collections, smaller blocks, more complex pieces and more challenging sets. Today, Lego accounts for more than US$2 billion in sales, Mattel and became the largest toy manufacturer in the world.
Havaianas its scenario when it the market back in the days of white-sandals and discovered that its consumers.