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Finally, the ‘loyalty’ stag

Customer conversion marketing focuses on nurturing your customers into finalizing their purchases.

After your customers’ purchase, the ‘retention’ stage focuses on living up to the promises you sold them on.

You can think of this as

Fulfilling (or even exceeding) their expectations by delivering a seamless, complete shopping experience.How you do this somewhat depends on the sort of business you are running. If you are providing an online service, you want it to run as smoothly and reliably as possible, with limited downtime. On the other hand, if you are providing physical goods, you norway phone number data might want to focus on fast shipping so they arrive without issue or delay.

Customer Lifecycle Marketing 101:

How to Take Advantage of Your Customer Buying Process online marketing & digital marketing what is a/b testing?  delivery screenshot
If you are providing physical goods, focus on fast shipping. Image source: Deliverr
e focuses on the customers that have already transacted with betting email list your business. Often, you will find it’s easier to focus on reaching out to old customers than it is to attract new ones.

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