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Favoritism is never fun and is a real drag on engagement

If employees suspect that performance reviews are taking place behind the closed doors of a manager’s office, they feel like their successes are not being recognized or that their colleagues are receiving preferential treatment, and they are less motivated to deliver their best work. With features like leaderboards and personal profiles that showcase a participant’s accomplishments and awards (looking at you again with the Trailblazer.

The iconic black Trailblazer hoodie


me profile , Trailhead), game-based gambling data vietnam platforms allow everyone to see exactly where they stand and what they need to do or learn to earn recognition. This creates a level of healthy competition that pushes employees to improve their performance. “  is now the work uniform of choice. It’s a badge of honor that says, “I’m constantly learning and improving.” Healthy competition drives engagement.


Trailblazer hoodie is now the work uniform of choice

At Salesforce, our internal Ranger Recognition program gives employees swag as they reach Ranger and above. The iconic black . It’s a bragging point that says, “I’m constantly learning and improving.” In fact, the number of Salesforce employees completing the internal Trailhead Ranger program each month tripled between 2019 and 2021. To date, more than 21,000 employees have reached the top rank.

This transparency is also a benefit for manager


Many of their subordinates work from remote offices, and as a result, their work habits are not observed on a daily basis. With game-based platforms, managers (and their expectations) are not “out of sight, out of mind”; they have a great way to track performance and reward employees. Their digital presence is a constant reminder to subordinates that their work is meaningful, no matter where they are working.

Fun and familiar experiences promote consumption


The sharing culture that often accompanies managing email campaigns for retail businesses these platforms further reinforces transparency , as employees are encouraged to seek advice from colleagues and celebrate newly earned badges. 3. In fact, several generations of today’s workers grew up with video games. So, integrating gamification into the workplace is a natural progression . Gamification , like social media, is familiar and intuitive to a highly connected workforce.

Companies are facing a huge


Applying gamification to work, including facebook users learning and skill development, can go a long way in driving consumption of content that can help employees succeed. Now more than ever, people need access to communities dedicated to reskilling and careers, regardless of where they live or what their background.  gap between the demand for digital skills and the supply of workers who possess them.

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