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Ensure business involvement in projects and change management

Another common factor in the failure of pricing projects is the lack of attention ! or resources devoted to supporting the business teams (sales force, marketing) on ​​which the success of such a project depends.

These teams are sometimes not listened to upstream of projects ! and india phone number library are not sufficiently integrated into the different stages of the project. They often find themselves left to ! their own devices when faced with a new tool, the impact of which on their daily lives has been poorly assessed.

It is for these reasons that user support must be considered over time ! throughout the project and several months after technical implementation. Long-term consideration, listening, analysis ! and synthesis, training: these are all subjects for which consulting professionals prove to be complementary to software publishers.


Bridging the gap between strategic vision, business needs and tools

Indeed, a natural reflex could be to rely on the publishers of pricing solutions to respond to the strategic and support challenges of the business. But publishers are not best placed to support their clients on these different subjects, since their model is based on the sale of licenses, not advice.

In order to remain “focused” on their core business (the development and ! optimization of their technological solution), they increasingly rely on their partners. Integrators and consulting firms are therefore required to play a key role in supporting ! customers, by bridging the gap between technology, business and strategy. But few really succeed in doing so, because it seamless communication, one number away involves being very ! close to both the customers’ business and technological issues, through proximity to market publishers.

At Converteo

In parallel with our strategic consulting activity, we have chosen to form partnerships ! with leading pricing players (such as Pricefx, PROS or Pricing Hub). This allows us to have a complete and agnostic ! vision of the bfb directory available solutions, in order to best support our clients, both in strategic consulting and in the deployment of tools, as these two ! dimensions are complementary.

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