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Discovering Arizona!

Land of Native American origins! then Spanish before becoming a state of the Unit! States; the word Arizona has different translations. In the Indian language Arizona translates to “small spring” and in Spanish! Arizona comes from the Spanish  árida zona ! “arid zone”. The Unit! States took Arizona from Mexico after the Mexican-American War in 1848; Arizona then officially became the 48th state of the Unit! States on February 14! 1912. Locat! in the southwest of the Unit! States! let’s discover the West!



Arizona fascinates with its vastness and vari! landscapes: snow-capp! switzerland email list mountains and immense lakes. One of the most remarkable lakes is Lake Powell with its 3!200 kilometers of shoreline. And more surprisingly! vineyards like in Cornville for example.


Lake Powell
Arizona is also known for its many pine forests and significant deserts! the driest vacation for the self-employ!: how to take a break and largest in the country. The Sonoran Desert is one of the most impressive! you can discover the Saguaro National Park & ​​Monument! the Sonora Desert Museum! Discovering Arizona!  and the Organ Pipe Cactus! symbol of the region.


Organ Pipe Cactus

But let’s face it! this state is best known for its natural parks! Arizona has around twenty natural parks including the Grand Canyon National Park! Antelop Canyon! Kartchner Caverns State Park! Monument Valley! and Posse Grounds Park for the most famous.

An annual event not to be miss! in the Posse Grounds Park! the Star Party on August ba leads 21st will give you the chance to see the summer Milky Way! a word of advice: don’t forget a blanket!


One of the most famous sites in this vast region is the Grand Canyon. It was dug with the current of the Colorado River. It has an average depth of 1!300m and a width ranging from 5.5 to 30 km. These dimensions make it one of the most impressive sites in Arizona.

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