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 A poor connection between strategy and tools

Poorly configured and poorly managed, the best pricing tool on the market will be far from delivering its full potential… Frustrations are thus relatively frequent, because to economize on strategic thinking upstream italy phone number library is to run straight into failure. The main risk? Realizing, after a year or two, that despite the investments made, no one has used the tools or that the value derived from them is difficult, if not impossible, to evaluate.

Failed pricing projects often have one thing in common: poor coordination between strategy, business needs and technology. This generally results in a lack of preparation and framing before deploying new tools, insufficient change management and/or a lack of clear governance. These are all subjects for which strategic and technical issues are deeply intertwined…

Ask the question of strategy, before any technical deployment

Unfortunately, too many organizations skip over these thoughts too quickly or still distinguish between tools and ! strategy, when the two are difficult to separate. Let’s take the example of an airline: is using its pricing tool to ! maximize the occupancy rate of planes – because that’s the goal we’ve always had – really the most relevant? Once the fixed costs ! have been amortized, isn’t it better to sell fewer seats, but at a better price, in other words, maximize turnover and not occupancy?

The first source of failure?

Before any technical deployment, it is therefore appropriate to ask the bfb directory question of the objectives to be achieved, the points to be optimized, the teams and resources to be devoted and, of course, the governance to be put in your hotline to more sales place and the measurement of ROI. The answers to these questions will then lead to the choice of the most relevant tools depending on the situation.


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