In line with this, we were recently delight with two videos in which a lizard and a frog deceptively tri to snack on real virtual insects from an iPad screen. Also well-known is the video in which a toddler is deceiv when she tries to ‘swipe’ and ‘pinch’ a regular magazine. The title is aptly chosen: “ A Magazine Is An iPad That Doesn’t Work ”.
The genie is out of the bottle: your wish is a command!
Immiately after Steve Jobs’ death, a journalist from the Algemeen Dagblad want to know from me what Jobs’ finland phone number list greatest contribution to humanity was. That is very clear. Jobs populariz three obvious finger gestures. Scrolling through applications with your thumb, tapping the screen for a magnification step and continuously enlarging the image with your thumb and index finger. The latter was already possible in 1983 on the Video Place system, but thanks to Jobs it is now as normal .
Almost unnotic, we have slipp into the post
PC era. Suddenly, we deal with information in completely different ways. With a A giving your smartphone ready to supercharge your business or tablet in our hands, we are constantly in sensory contact with our digital reality. It is indistinguishable from the real thing and is also simply part of it. Keyboard and mouse have made way for multi-touch, but other long-await interaction possibilities are now also making their entrance one after the other. Think of the Kinect with its motion sensors; think of speech recognition butlers such as Siri and Dragon ; and we are no longer surpris by brain interfaces either.
Not only does this change the way we deal with information – this new explosion of intimacy makes information lob directory itself the seventh sense, following the sixth: our intuition. Everything we think and .