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Why your website loading speed is important for CRO, SEO and customer loyalty

Today, most guides to digital marketing success for businesses focusin e-commerce on factors such as paid marketing, content, social media and design. Another important factor that is often overlooked or taken for granted is website performance, or more specifically: the loading speed of a website.

Your website loading speed is important and crucial to the success of your eCommerce website. It directly impacts your conversion rates, repeat business and search engine rankings. And with the recent changes in Google search rankings, a fast website loading speed isCompetitive advantage even more important.

Why the loading speed of your website is important

Your website loading speed is crucial in the age of online shopping, sweden email list as it is linked to lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates. Improving your website speed by one second can increase mobile user conversion rates by up to 27%.

Since the majority of shoppers use mobile devices, your website loading speed has a significant impact on potential sales.


In an age of instant gratification, manage email campaigns for the tech industry website loading speed is a top priority for online shoppers. In fact, fast websites and pages are associated with lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates.

LoudAccording to Google , denmark business directory improving website speed by one second can increase conversion rates for mobile users by up to 27%. And with 70% of shoppers making purchases on mobile devices, website loading speed clearly has a huge impact on your revenue potential.

customer loyalty (repeat business)

Customers will get a negative first impression of your website if it loads slowly. However, if all pages on your website load slowly, the negative effect is amplified.

You probably know that it is cheaper to get existing customers to make repeat purchases than to acquire new ones . The loading speed of your website plays an important role in this. In other words, you are more likely to gain repeat customers if you have a website that loads quickly.

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