Find a stage where you can embarrass yourself. After 10 embarrassments, the first success will come.
# Reading tip: 26 remedies for writer’s block
8) I will never be ready
I know a lot of people who are waiting for the perfect moment. When I want to visit them, I just go to the local cemetery.
Because whoever waits for the perfect moment will wait themselves to the grave.
If I were to polish, edit and correct my texts until they were perfect, you would never have read a single line of mine in your life. Because nothing is perfect.
So if you only want to write and publish perfect texts, then you will publish the following: Nothing.
My Content Terminator had some typos in the first edition and the layout was messed up in some places.
I published the book
And yet I earned more than 10,000 euros with it.
With the second – corrected – edition even more.
Conclusion: Don’t wait for perfection. Get out there. And correct as you go.
# Reading tip: Write an e-book in just 7 days
9) I never lose
“I never lose. “Sometimes I win, sometimes I learn.”
This quote sums it up. If I write a bad text that ends up in the trash, then I haven’t lost.
The best way to learn to write is still by writing.
Especially writing headlines .
You never lose. Unless korea email list you stop writing.Share on X
Plus, the best way to avoid writer’s block is to write.
Tip: Learn how to write bullet points . This will improve your writing skills enormously.
Haters go hate
Doers will always do. Haters will always hate. So what?!
Sometimes it’s not the text’s fault. Sometimes it really is the recipient’s fault.
A book is a mirror. If a monkey looks in, no apostle will look out.
– Georg watch series to learn english without feeling guilty! Christoph Lichtenberg
So don’t let yourself agb directory be unsettled.
You should always be open to constructive criticism. Always listen to suggestions for improvement. Always listen to the opinions of others.
But ignore the haters. They just want to hate. Let them. That’s usually the only thing they can do.