Right this second, a blog is being buried. Do you hear the sigh of the disappointed blogger who is shutting down his blog ?
Me, yes.
As a “blogger who blogs Not Ashamed about blogging,” I deal a lot with bloggers who are just starting out. Many don’t survive the first two years.
One of the reasons: They are at their wits’ end.
One day they had had enough
I know this well.
When I wrote my first article about “SEO and Google,” one of the few comments I got was: “Please stop writing such nonsense. And delete my comment, but you probably can’t even do that.”
I was often on the verge of giving up or bending over backwards to please everyone, but today I am wiser. Today I know that there are many things I don’t have to be ashamed of or apologize for as a blogger.
Neither do you.
(Reading tip: Become a blogger and earn money in 6 steps )
If you sometimes find yourself on the verge of closing your blog or are fed up with your critics, then this post is for you.
If you feel like indonesia email list you constantly have to hide as a blogger or you simply have no motivation to blog anymore, then this article is also for you.
Here are 7 things you shouldn’t be ashamed of as a blogger:
I have to confess something: I make mistakes
Spelling mistakes, phrasing errors, embarrassing mistakes. I choose wrong words, wrong images, wrong metaphors, wrong headings .
And yet I continue brand protection: how to protect your business online from identity theft writing.
Mistakes are not bad. What agb directory is bad is never having tried. I would rather be a mistaken runner in the Olympic Stadium than a perfect spectator.