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Choosing what to tell about the

Enjoy your reading.  previous year in the Social Balance Choosing what Sheet is not easy at all. I will try to list some critical issues that I have found myself having to deal with most often:

“I have to tell everything”: either for fear of displeasing an office? a department? a person? a stakeholder… or because you don’t think in terms of priorities (it’s a skill that is by no means a given)? you put yourself in the difficult position of not choosing; the Choosing what consequences are a Social Balance Sheet that becomes the infinite catalogue of everything that was done in 2022? verbose and unreadable (in fact never read by anyone…)? without any possibility of grasping the true added value of the organization;

I do things? I see people

Linked to the previous point? the Social Balance Sheet latvia phone number library tells the things done and how many people were involved (activities and related outputs ); that’s fine? but it only tells a piece of the story and not even the most important one? that is? how all the activities and resources we have put in place have changed the lives of the people we exist for; in other? more technical words? we cannot tell the impact if we do not have a clear multi-year strategy divided into managing email campaigns for seasonal sales events outcomes (which we will try to promote with activities and resources) and if we do not put ourselves in a position to rigorously evaluate the level of outcome (which we will then tell in the Social Balance Sheet);

Look how good we are

It is right to value successes? we deserve it; it also helps awb directory us to remotivate ourselves internally? after the efforts of a whole year; however: would you trust a person who always tells you that everything is fine? I don’t? so I expect the same from an organization: I expect sincerity and transparency? only on these bases can a relationship of trust be created; furthermore? on the results that we have not achieved we can renew our commitment for the coming year and ask for support.

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