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Is your company not attracting new leads? Understand and turn the game around.

There is a golden rule in the business world, and you probably already know it: “ It is better to invest in customer loyalty than in prospecting .”
The reason why this rule is so valuable is very simple: in addition to being more expensive to bring new leads to your business, a customer who trusts and is with your company usually brings others. And this endorsement, also buzz marketing , is always very positive for your company.

However, every business goes through

A time when its customer base seems to be stagnant. And instead of getting and blaming the crisis, it is time to review your strategies to attract and win new customers, thus allowing your company to take important steps towards growth.
But if you are not sure why new customers looking for your business, we have put together some tips that can help you review your planning.

What needs to be evaluated?

Below we have listed some of the points japan telegram data that always deserve your attention as a CEO or person in charge of a company. Bookmark this article and use it as a kind of checklist to follow whenever you feel that lead generation is not as expected.

How is your online presence?

The world is becoming more connected ignorance of information needs every day. Therefore, if your company does not have a good online presence , you are probably leaving a good percentage of potential new leads unaware of your business. Or, they have no reason to remember it.
Having a well-website, a blog with interesting content , sending interesting marketing emails and having a profile on at least one social network is a good way to build an online presence and start connecting with your potential customers effectively.

Are you using social media properly?

The most popular social network on the planet. Facebook, has around 1.6 billion users, which represents a huge potential for promoting be numbers of businesses for free.
However, you to know how to use social networks like this properly to get good results and new leads – and this does not necessarily mean investing in boosting posts or promoting your fan page.
The first step is to get to know your customer – and buyer personas are an excellent way to do this – and find out which social networks your audience is on. And only then think about investing in to reach them.

In addition, a good social media

Profile needs to go beyond visually appealing posts and also bring content that is appropriate to the interests of your audience. It is the ideal space to disseminate your brand’s philosophy, promoting good positioning and, consequently, goodwill for the brand.

Has your company been providing the right content?
What type of content has your company been investing in? Does your content meet the needs of your customers? What are these?

It is always important to consider

That your content should be to the of your customers, that your company understands and, above all, knows how to solve their problems.
Invest in good content marketing , always considering the type of content that should be offered in this initial phase of the sales funnel to attract new leads.
Disseminate good content for free. This is a good way to the heart (and the wallet) of your customer, eager for solutions from companies willing to make their lives easier and solve their problems.

Have you reviewed your prospecting strategy?

What brings more customers to your company today? Your networking network? Word of mouth? Investments in advertising?
Before establishing a good prospecting strategy and evaluating the necessary costs. You to find out the best strategy to generate new quality leads.
For example: if your source of attraction today is advertising, why not invest in digital marketing ? Your company will save significantly by reaching potential customers more objectively.
Problems such as heavy dependence on networking, high prospecting costs and even difficulties in showing your company’s differentials can be solved with a good marketing analysis applicable to the digital environment.


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