5 Digital Transformation Trends for Marketing in Large Companies
Digital transformation is a rule for any company that wants to remain relevant in this constantly evolving market.
New consumer behavior has brought a digitally enabled audience with a high level of interconnection – and Marketing needs to adapt to this if it wants to continue communicating (and consequently selling) with this audience.
Recent research has already shown
That 78% of marketing professionals are aware that digital transformation will bring about a fundamental change in the sector in the next five years .
Therefore, UP2Place has separated here five digital transformation trends that every marketing strategist should be aware of when planning their next digital marketing strategies :
1) Explore Big Data
Big Data and new technologies are redefining the landscape for companies of all sizes.
Through it, companies now have an iran telegram data increasing capacity to obtain information about their target audience and their pain points – providing marketing and sales teams with a vast amount of material for creating inbound marketing approaches and strategies that allow your company to offer the best solution in its portfolio to the right person at the right time.
2) Digital transformation requires a 100% user-focused approach
McKinsey research shows that 70% of purchasing b2b online marketing: review and trends for 2014 experiences are based on how the customer feels during the process. And 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a better purchasing experience .
Therefore, constantly analyze your sales funnel , together with your marketing and sales teams , from the perspective of a lead to better understand their feelings during the different stages.
This is the best way to better identify the best opportunities and points of contact during the process and to increasingly improve the way your company has been treating its potential leads.
Create buyer personas so that your teams can formulate approaches focused on your company’s customer. Insights for this process can and should come from any point within your organization that has a point of contact with your audience.
3) Offer mass customization
As we said in the item above, the approach be numbers must be focused on your customer – this includes not only the approach, but the solutions that your company offers .
And it is precisely this format of mass customization that has shown itself to be a great opportunity for all B2C marketing strategists as a way to stay relevant to their customers and differentiate themselves from the competition.
A good example of this is Coca-Cola, which invested
US$ 100 million in vending machines that allow consumers to customize their drinks through their smartphones.
But the strategy can easily be applied in the B2B scenario – it is only important that companies have the flexibility to offer customized solutions according to the needs of each customer, instead of the usual closed package of products and services already registered by the sales department.
4) Consider mobile as your first point of contact
The “mobile first” concept has certainly been on the agenda of your company’s board meetings – and its importance only grows with each passing quarter.
This issue is even more urgent for the retail segment, which now sees the proportion of sales made through tablets and smartphones totaling more than 27% – and the numbers are only increasing every day.
Mobile gadgets are increasingly
The first point of contact between brands and consumers – and marketing departments must be fully aware of this. If you are the type of person who is still in digital denial, try this: type “buy suit” into Google and see that all the results on the first page are “mobile friendly”.
And where does your company need to be positioned when it is searched for on Google? This is the point – so your company needs to see mobile as a business opportunity as soon as possible.