Restart your computer : Click the Start button, select the power icon, and select Restart while holding down the Shift key.
How to Reset Windows 11 Administrator Password Using CMD – 1
Select Troubleshoot . On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot.
How to Reset Windows 11 Administrator Password Using CMD – 1
Select Advanced Options . Then select Command Prompt .
How to Reset Windows 11 Administrator Password Using CMD – 3
Open Command Prompt
Select your account : Select the account you want to change.
Enter your password : If prompted, enter your password.
Access to CMD : You will now moj database have access to the command prompt.
How to Reset Windows 11 Administrator Password Using CMD – 5
Step 3: Locate the system drive
Find the drive letter for your system : Type diskpartand then list volumeto see the drives. Find the volume labeled “Windows” and note the drive letter (e.g. C:).
Exit Diskpart : Enter exitto exit the diskpart utility
Step 4: Go to the System32 folder.
Go to your system drive : type C:(or the letter of your system drive) and press Enter.
Go to System32 : type cd Windows\System32 and press Enter.
Step 5: Replace Utility Manager with Command Prompt
Rename Utility Manager : Type ren Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.bak and press Enter.
Copy CMD into Utilman : type copy cmd.exe Utilman.exe and press Enter.
Step 6: Restart your computer
Close CMD : type exit and 7 pillars of successful emailing press Enter.
Restart your computer : Select Continue to restart Windows.
Step 7: Reset Administrator Password
Open CMD : On the login screen, click the Ease of Access icon to open CMD.
Reset Password : Enter net user [username] [newpassword](replace [username]with your administrator username and [newpassword]desired password) and press Enter.
Restore the original Utility Manager
Repeat steps 1-4 : Follow the instructions from steps 1-4 to access CMD again.
Restore Utility Manager : Type copy Utilman.exe.bak Utilman.exe and press Enter.
Restart your computer : Enter exit and restart your computer.
Conclusion Boot with additional
To sum it up, resetting Windows 11 administrator password using CMD is like hacking a digital lock. It is obviously a powerful method, but it central african leads comes with responsibility and risks.
Always ensure that you are operating within legal and ethical boundaries, and proceed with caution as mistakes can lead to other systemic problems. In summary, seeking professional help may be the best course of action if you are unsure.