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Check out what to do to remove malware and clean a hacked WordPress

We also emphasize that it is necessary to choose a CMS, being WordPress the most recommended because of its operational simplicity and czech republic phone number data functions focused on generating results and out what  providing security.

So, think about your well-developed site, conquering more and more Google positions and even converting visitors into leads or customers.

This is the scenario that all companies out what  seek to achieve, right? But, what if you suddenly find out that the worst has happened?

Whoever has been through this knows how hard it is. If you have never experienced it, imagine the following situation: someone breaks into your physical store and loots it. Terrible, isn’t it?

Right, that’s what could happen to your online business once a hacker invades it.

To instruct you on what to do in front of a situation like this and help you avoid this from happening, we have decided to write this article. We will discuss the issues below:

  • How to know if my WordPress site was hacke?
  • How to solve a hacked WordPress site?
  • How to prevent my site from being hacke?

Keep reading!

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How to know if my WordPress site was hacke?

When a WordPress site is invade, its administrator certainly goes through a lot of headaches. After all, the longer the site remains hacked, the more e-commerce automation: how to master 8 time-consuming business tasks opportunities out what  from possible new sales you will lose.

However, it is necessary to stay calm at this point and try to figure out the source of the hack. This is essential if we are to find the solution. After all, there is no way to build a solution without knowing beforehand how the problem came about, isn’t it true?

To do that, try to answer the following questions:

  • Are your wp-admin login and password not working?
  • Is your site redirecting to another (that has nothing to do with yours)?
  • Does Google Analytics show access to unfamiliar content created on your website (most of it in other languages like Chinese)?
  • Does Google Search Console point to your facebook users site as insecure?

What are the reasons that make a WordPress site hacked?

There are four points that justify what may have caused the invasion of a WordPress site.

1. Easy identification

WordPress is one of the most used CMS out what  in the world, besides being easy to identify if a site is built on the platform.

Do you want to know how? Just access any site in Google Chrome, click on the three dots on the top right, choose “More Tools” and then “Developer Tools”.

If the site’s URL contains “wp-content”, it’s built on WordPress, and this can make it a potential “victim” if the proper precautions ― which we’ll talk about later ― are not taken.

2. Open-source

The fact that WordPress is an open-source platform is very advantageous because it allows you to embed functionalities that meet your needs, such as plugins and widgets.

However, having the code change to anyone gives room to loopholes that are used by hackers to invade your site.

3. Theme and plugins

Anyone who knows programming can create a plugin and make it available on WordPress. Therefore, we stress the importance of installing only plugins that come from reliable sources. Some programs are created with the purpose of opening the path for invasion.

4. Manual updates

WordPress, as well as its themes and plugins, may not automatically perform updates, forcing the user to do it manually.

If your site does not receive the updates out what , it may become vulnerable to hacker attacks.


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