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Two ways to implement hybrid measurement

To implement hybrid measurement on a site or application, there are two possibilities !  each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

The first is to wait for the user to make a choice to start !  collecting data with the correct associated consent mode. The second is to apply the “exempt” mode by default, before evolving the !  collection once the user has made a choice by clicking on the consent banner.

Once implemented, the hybrid measure allows for the recovery of a ivory coast phone number library significant ! volume of traffic, although with variations depending on the sector of activity. In addition, exempted events and parameters  !  validated with the legal department on a case-by-case basis – also allow the data to be enriched with additional contextual elements.

Some points of attention

However, it is important to anticipate the impacts of such a configuration on the solution and audience analyses. In particular, the deployment of hybrid measurement involves signing an amendment with Piano Analytics. This amendment provides for three prerequisites to be adopted (hiding the visitor ID property, anonymizing the last octet of the IP address, purging personal data after 25 months). These changes can impact exports, dashboards or analyses: they must therefore be anticipated.

So, several elements can impact your analyses and must be given special attention. Among the measures that can be impacted are sales, marketing sources and non-exempt property analyses, now done on overall traffic and no longer on opt-in traffic alone as before, as well as data comparisons with other non-exempt tools.

Comparison Periods that are not Based

On The same traffic type (optin vs exempt + optin) can also be impacted. For example, if you want to analyze the volume of page views of a page and you compare it to a ! period during which hybrid measurement was not bfb directory implemented, the evolution rates will be inflated.

In conclusion, the implementation of the Piano Analytics hybrid this is difficult measurement therefore ! makes it possible to recover the exhaustiveness of traffic and possibly engagement and conversion events !  depending on your settings. But the biases and impacts of this project are to be anticipated depending on the level of maturity of the teams that manipulate the data in the tool.

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