If there hadn’t been the pandemic, If we have faced certain changes and accelerated the transformation, we owe it, so to speak, to the pandemic. In our case, we have helped travel agencies enter the digital world by focusing on training, technological platforms and change management . But this is a journey that has just begun, we are only in the middle of the change process.
The fundamental issue is how to transfer
How important are digital skills today, in your morocco phone number data sector and in your company? It is an indispensable component today. and share it. Videoconferencing is a possibility but a dedicated platform is needed to manage webinars, updates, educational sessions on the techniques to be used . However, it is certain that digital is a constant, more immediate, more frequent channel of relationship.
What does it mean for Welcome Travel to be a trailblazer ?
And therefore potentially more effective. One last question: We felt innovative when we implemented a platform to manage critical processes and since other operators followed us by doing the same. We are pioneers, in some ways, of the professionalization process of the sector , of greater openness towards the new digital customer. We have generated a virtuous mechanism of change by taking advantage of the lockdown to provide training and develop skills on the topic of engagement.
Want to learn more about our trailblazers’ innovation strategies?
In 2020 we held around 380 webinars, on average more than one per day: I think that number says a lot.Read their stories in the “CEOs Conversations” section ! Share the article Exclusively for you Amalia Colaceci, President of Cotral Public transport is (also) a question of relationship. And the customer is listened to, according to Cotral 5 minute read Claudio Bellinzona, Co-Founder and Chief Supply Officer of TUI Musement Digital and customer centric: tourism is also changing its skin.
Digital Transformation CEO Conversation Stories
The “lesson” from Musement 5 minute read speaking of blogs See related content by topic on Trailblazer Salesforce ItalyHere are the questions you should ask yourself when choosing a CRM for your SMB Here are the questions you should ask yourself when choosing a CRM for your SMB Taking advantage of CRM for your SMB can be really easy. Here’s what to keep in mind to choose the right solution.
Customers expect to receive personalized
Salesforce Italy 04/29/2022 5 minute read anhui mobile phone number list Share the article As technology evolves, competition intensifies, and the Covid-19 pandemic rewrites the social and economic rules, a new era is looming for businesses. Specifically, we are now in the midst of the era of digital-first businesses , which must focus on customers to succeed : and consistent experiences from all the brands they interact with.