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What is a home page and what is it for?

In the Czech Republic, the term home page is usually used. It is the default page for your website and the first page that your website visitor will see. In essence, there are no exact rules for creating a good home page. However, you should follow a few basic aspects.

Home page and signpost

The home page is actually a signpost that leads to the services you offer. Either the visitor finds what they are looking for and continues on to one of the subpages, or they find that your page does not solve their need and leave. Nowadays, many search engines link directly to subpages, but the home page still has its importance, because it introduces the company and explains its meaning. And this is information that you would needlessly look for on subpages. So you could say that the home page is the brain of the entire website, you can get anywhere from it. But be careful, if it does not work, the rest will also falter.

The home page should, however, contain a navigation bar, through which the visitor can then click through to other pages of the website. The navigation bar can, for example, point to the sections “About the company”, “History”, “Contacts”, “News”, “Services”, etc.

Web browsers can also have their own home page. Usually, the user can choose which page will open automatically when the browser is turned on. When presenting your company on the web, the user does not have this option; they will be shown what you choose.

What does a good homepage look like?

To make your home page meaningful, it should answer at least these basic questions for the visitor:

Who are you?
Think about how you want to define yourself to car owner database customers. A seller or a service provider? Do you work with people or for them? Do you produce or sell? All of this is important to users, because even things that seem obvious at first glance can decide whether a visitor becomes a paying customer.

How far does the spectrum of your abilities extend? Feel free to use photos, videos or animations, they best capture the essence of your activity.

What makes you special?
Why should a customer choose you? What specifically makes you different and what makes your products or services better than your  high pressure wedge brings temporary weather calm competitors’? What will the customer gain if they choose you? Think about your strengths and show them to the world.

Where do you need to click for more information?
The home page serves as a signpost, so make the navigation bar clear and functional. Not all information can be included on the home page, but if the user wants to read more about any section, don’t make it difficult for them and clearly point them to it.

What needs to be done?
Use calls to action, buttons and headlines to get the telemarketing forum visitor to read exactly what you want. Pay attention to graphics and engaging texts. Don’t overwhelm the visitor right on the first page. Think about what is most beneficial for them and what is worth leaving behind.

How to take care of your home page

The home page should be the most frequently updated part of the website. You can post news, photos or present interesting articles from the industry there . If you do not update the home page regularly, website traffic may stagnate. However, if you regularly add new interesting posts, link to engaging news or publish a video of how your last order went, your website visitors will remember it. And they will remember you as soon as they need your product or service.

You communicate with your customers and website visitors one-sidedly through the home page. If you are interested in making communication two-way,  Because otherwise there is a risk that the visitor would not learn about them at all.



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