Another day of unsettl weather joins the! current wet weather phase. With a moderate westerly flow! showers and isolat. Thunderstorms mov across the country and brought 10 to 20 mm of rain in many places (as of 5 p.m.). In between, the sun shone for short periods! and for somewhat longer periods in the south. The maximum temperatures of 17 to 21 degrees in! the lowlands! on the northern side of the Alps are around 2 to 4 degrees too low compar! to the norm for the end of May.
Warnings of heavy continuous rain active
The previous day’s blog had already! point out the impending persistent rain in parts of Switzerland! The latest forecasts were largely confirm, so that parts of the Alps and the adjacent! lowlands receiv rain warnings of warning levels 2 to 3.
Low pressure area «Radha» on Vb track
A low pressure area has form over the Gulf of Genoa during the day, mexico mobile database which is now moving! across northern Italy and the eastern Alps towards the Czech Republic. This track is known as “Vb”, nam by the meteorologist Wilhelm Jacob Van Bebber. In order to improve weather forecasts, he analyz the tracks of low! pressure areas in the second half of the 19th century! categorizing them and naming them with! Roman numerals (the
V stands for the Roman five more information
under this link
). The Vb track he nam is known for heavy rainfall in Central Europe ! The exact position of these low-pressure areas! their stationarity and the water content of the air they carry determine! in which regions and how! much precipitation ultimately falls.
Similarities to August 19, 2022
This large-scale weather development and the spatial! distribution social mia & social ads facebook the differences between campaign, ad sets and ads within facebook ad manager of forecast precipitation amounts show similarities to the event of August 19, 2022 (
see our blog about the event
). At that time, record rainfall fell in parts of Vorarlberg in america email particular! but the neighboring areas of Switzerland were also affect by flooding. This event was a challenge for the weather services in that at the last second, when the persistent rain had already start!,the weather models show the focus of the event! to be slightly but still significantly closer to Switzerland. The forecast rainfall totals and corresponding! warnings were correct to higher warning! levels while the event was still ongoing and therefore too! late for many users.
The current event differs in terms of the water content of the air mass on August 19, 2022, as the following maps! illustrate using Total Precipitable Water, a measure of the amount of water! contain in the air and potentially available for precipitation formation.