The heavy rain end today in the central and eastern parts of the country. In the regions that had receiv a level 3 rain warning, 60 to 100 mm of rainfall fell widely.
The largest amounts were measur in a strip from central Switzerland to the mountain regions of eastern Switzerland and the Prättigau. This corresponds to about half of the usual May rainfall. The distribution of precipitation also reflects the weather situation nicely: the low was to the east of us, so it rain more in the east than in the west. In addition, the air from the north accumulat on the first mountain ranges, which is why the foothills of the Alps were particularly rainy.
The largest amounts were measur in a strip from central Switzerland to the mountain regions of eastern Switzerland and the Prättigau. This corresponds to about half of the usual May rainfall. The distribution of precipitation also reflects the weather situation nicely: the low was to the east of us, so it rain more in the east than in the west. In addition, the air from the north accumulat on the first mountain ranges, which is why the foothills of the Alps were particularly rainy. (MeteoSwiss)
The measur rainfall amounts are impressive, but still far from record values. In many regions of central and eastern Switzerland, the highest 48-hour totals are in the range of 150 to 250 mm.
The weather situation is known for its storm potential
The persistent wet weather is a frustration for gardeners and finland mobile database farmers. This garden in Zug has receiv more than half of the usual May rainfall in the last two days. At least the snail problem should be temporarily solv
The persistent wet weather is a frustration for gardeners and farmers. This garden in Zug has receiv more than half of the usual May rainfall in the last two days. At least the snail problem should be temporarily solv (Image source: Meteomeldungen/App)
Winter return to the mountains
The air that was brought in was quite cold, which was positive in terms of runoff, since the precipitation fell as snow above 1500 to 2000 meters. This means that this water only drains away with a delay.
The amount of new snow is impressive
According to the SLF, 30 to 60 cm of snow fell above 2500 meters. At these altitudes, there is currently 160% of the average amount of snow in many places. This is good news for the glaciers for the first time. However, the weather in summer is more important than the snow cover at the end of spring.
Due to the snowfall, the avalanche danger above social networks & social ads 5 strategies for better advertising on instagram around 2500 meters also rose to level 3. (For more information, see
In many mountain regions, it was once again cover in america email wintery white, like here in Hasliberg/BE. However, the snow will not last long there. The weather will remain unstable, but it will become milder again at higher altitudes
In many mountain regions, it was once again cover in wintery white, like here in Hasliberg/BE. However, the snow will not stay there for long. The weather will remain unstable, but it will become milder again at higher altitudes (Image source: Meteomeldungen/App)
Rivers react with a delay
Even though the heavy rain has end, the flood situation is still ongoing. The water levels in most rivers are slowly.