The first plans
The choice of a venue is certainly not only dependent on the weather conditions. Nevertheless, it can be worthwhile to take a look at past weather data from nearby measuring stations. They are available directly on the
homepage of MeteoSwiss
and in the MeteoSwiss app and allow you to check the meteorological conditions at different times of the year. Climate values can also be us for this purpose. For example, you can check at which time of year the temperatures are high enough for outdoor events at night or whether the wind blows more frequently and more strongly in certain places at certain times.
Figure 1: Climatological classification of the average weather conditions in Aarau bas on the deviation of temperature, precipitation and
sunshine duration from the long-term average
A few weeks earlier
It is too early to make a local weather forecast. However, a few weeks before an event, you can use
special forecasts
Sometimes you can already see initial trends for future general weather developments. For example, an initial trend for temperature and precipitation can be helpful in preparing better for possible weather scenarios. At this point in time, it is not yet possible to make precise weather forecasts for a specific location. The trend shows the possible weather development for a larger region.
In the last week before an outdoor event, local forecasts for the desir location are particularly useful. These are available directly on the
home page
our website. Here you can enter a postcode, a municipality austria mobile database name or a specific location (pass, summit, etc.). In the MeteoSwiss app you also have the option of displaying weather forecasts for specific locations directly on the home screen by defining one or more locations as favorites. As soon as you select a location, the forecast for temperature, precipitation and weather conditions for up to 7 days in advance is display as a meteogram or as values with pictograms.
Figure 3: Meteogram for Zurich with weather condition
In addition to the local forecasts, the weather report is updat and publish three times a day by meteorologists from the three regional centers. The weather report can be found on our website directly below online marketing & digital marketing the 10 keys to an effective metrics dashboard the local forecasts and in the MeteoSwiss app directly on the home screen. The weather report contains an 8-day forecast for the three major forecast regions in Switzerland. It is supplement by the general weather situation, a frontal weather map for the following day and, in the winter months, a road condition forecast.
From 5 days in advance
Now there are only a few days left until the event and it is time to check whether there could be severe weather on the holidays. The hazard warnings from MeteoSwiss are suitable for this america email purpose and are issu up to 5 days in advance. If a meteorological hazard due to wind, precipitation, thunderstorms, temperature or snow is forecast with a probability of more than 40%, the regional centres issue an advance warning. If the probability exces 70% in the last 36 hours before a severe weather event, a final warning is issu. The (advance) warnings are classifi according to their severity on a hazard scale from 1 to 5 according to warning regions and are available.