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It remains unstable and wet

We take what we get
Yesterday, Tuesday, the weather wasn’t all that bad. After a long time, there was once again a beautiful and often dry day with maximum temperatures of around 23 degrees. In many places the sun shone for 6 to 10 hours, and in some places there were even almost 13 hours of sunshine, such as in Güttingen, Einsieln or Neuenburg. But even on a day as pleasant as yesterday, the weather was not entirely stable. Cumulus clouds form at times and in the second half of the day there were isolat showers or thunderstorms over the foothills and Alps. In Lenk in Simmental, 17 mm of rain fell.

Local showers also on Wnesday

There were also short showers early on Wnesday morning. Two bands of showers form on the northern ge of Switzerland and along the central and eastern foothills of the Alps, bringing a few millimetres of precipitation locally. This was mainly due to a small intrusion of warm air in the middle layers of the atmosphere, which stretch the air column vertically and unstabl it. In the warm season, such intrusions of warm air often trigger decoupl convection (elevat convection), regardless of the time of day and the amount of sunlight, preferably at night and in the early morning hours. The result is more or less widespread showers, and if the instability is sufficient, thunderstorms, so-call warm air intrusion thunderstorms. In the ballooning scene, this phenomenon is poland mobile database also known as
morning thermals

Photogenic shower and storm clouds near Comerio in Lombardy. Image: Meteomeldungen/App
Photogenic shower and storm clouds near Comerio in Lombardy. Image: Meteomeldungen/App
From midday onwards, the formation of showers and thunderstorms follow the usual daily pattern. First, individual showers and thunderstorms develop over the Jura, and later, with increasing convergence of southwest and northwest winds, along the foothills of the Alps and in the adjacent central plateau. The precipitation cells form over the mountains and with the help of surface wind convergences from the near-surface boundary layer, in contrast to the nighttime showers, which were initiat from the middle troposphere.

Establish wet weather conditions

The weather situation will change little over the next few days. A social networks & social ads 5 common mistakes on twitter and how to avoid them westerly to southwesterly upper air current will america email continue to bring moist and unstable air to Switzerland at times. Showers and thunderstorms will develop again on Thursday and Friday, again with the focus over the mountains, but also locally in the lowlands.

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