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An easy easy-to-follow Dutch explanation!

How do you make sure that certain photos or updates that you post on Facebook reach a targeted group of friends? And how do you block certain friends from your information? This is possible with Facebook friends lists. In this screencast I explain step by step how to create a friends list, how to target updates to canada telegram data certain friends (or block friends) and what to look out for in your Facebook privacy settings.

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How do friends lists work?

Some information on Facebook you might want to share with your friends, but not with your mother,  . An easy easy-to  or your colleagues, or your boss. That’s what Facebook has friend lists for. On your home page, look in the left sidebar and scroll down until you see ‘friends’. These are the lists that  one way to consider this is a fixed-rate Facebook automatically creates for you: close friends, acquaintances and family. Below you see the so-called Smart Lists. Facebook automatically creates these, based on the jobs you’ve had, schools you’ve studied at and places you’ve lived. You can customize all of these lists.

What are the benefits of working with friends lists?

You control what you see in your newsfeed. Facebook puts updates from close friends, family, and other lists first. But more  cuba leads  importantly, you control what information goes to which people. Now, when you upload photos or create a new status update, you can make it visible to certain lists, or tell a certain list of friends not to see it. You can do that in your privacy settings – your default privacy. And, you can also change  .. So, did you have a fun party this weekend? You can use lists to make sure your boss doesn’t see the photos.


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