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Renault Netherlands Grandma Hilda

In collaboration with Frankwatching, we report monthly on the shifts in the top 100 Dutch Facebook pages and also highlight the campaigns behind them. As digital DJs, we update you on the strongest climbers, the new arrivals and the top 10. In this ition about the month of April: Bavaria the strongest climber and Rimmel London as champion of engagement.

Bavaria strongest climber

The brewer from Lieshout was the biggest climber last month. In the past month, the Bavaria fan page grew from 9,126 to 34,228  belgium telegram data fans, an increase of no less than 292%! The mia attention for the EC V-Dress and the (Facebook) campaign starring Charlie Sheen will undoubtly have contribut to this. For example, on the Facebook page you could watch exclusive ‘behind the scenes’ material where the TV commercial with Charlie Sheen end. The number two spot on the list of biggest climber customers who subscribe to your s was taken by Rimmel London Nerland, who manag to grow by 118% to 37,007 fans last month.


Help Grandma Hilda find her keys on the Renault Netherlands page

Number 3 this month is Renault Netherlands, which also manag to double its fan base from 26,610 to 53,730 cuba leads  fans. Renault went all out with a campaign around Grandma Hilda, with which a Renault 4 could be won. Other strong climbers this month were Feyenoord Rotterdam, Just-Eat.nl and Hertog Jan. Renault Netherlands  The complete top 10 can be found below.


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