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Social media & business growth

Yesterday, research agency Millward Brown present the results of a study commission by Google , among 2700 executives in Europe. The key question was the role of social tools within large organizations and the impact thereof on business operations. An article about open doors, business growth and social mia, and what Google is actually going to do with Google+.

Open doors
Most of the results from the study, titl ‘ How social technologies drive business success ‘, are obvious. Employees are happier australia telegram data  with their jobs if they are allow to use social mia tools, they are more likely to recommend their employer to others and are more likely to be promot. The question is whether these are real conclusions or whether this correlation works both ways.

Countries survey and most enthusiastic users

The research was conduct among 2700 executives in management and operational positions in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Swen, the Unit Kingdom and the Netherlands. Despite the well-known Twitter density and progressiveness in the social field, it appears that the Netherlands is less enthusiastic than countries such as Spain and Italy. However, this is only the case if you take the entire research population as a starting point. If you look at the frequent users (the ‘High flyers’) in the field of social mia, the Netherlands is ahead in terms of enthusiasm and sees many opportunities

Social mia essential for business growth

According to the research, there is also a relationship between successful, fast-  . Social media growing  12 women’s history month marketing campaign ideas 2024 (with examples) organizations and the use of social mia by employees and executives. Is this an open door? Of course, but it does indicate that social mia are indispensable for a successful strategy. These fast-growing companies indicate that social tools are mainly us for business connectivity (contact with customers cuba leads  prospects, colleagues), increasing productivity within the organization (faster communication and more efficient collaboration) and improving business outcomes (sales).


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