of the black dog? “The Black Dog” by Levi Pinfold is about fear.
The book is recommended for children ages 4-6, but may also appeal to younger children and even adults.
In the following article I will tell you what it is about and what the story teaches us about our fear .
The Black Dog
What does this monstrous paw print mean that you can see in the snow on the book cover? What is the little child doing out there all alone in this big snowsuit? Isn’t he scared? Why are everyone else hiding in the house and looking out the door? All of these questions led me one day to put “The Black Dog” * in my shopping basket.
Review: The Black Dog
What is it about?
One day, a black dog appears in front of the Hoop family’s house. Mr. Hoop is the first to see the dog and panics. He immediately calls the police, but they just laugh at him. Then Mrs. Hoop, the daughter and the son also see the dog. Each time , the black dog grows larger and more frightening !
In the end, they are so afraid of the black dog, which has now grown to the size of the entire house, that they can’t think of much better than to barricade themselves in and hide.
Then Klein , the youngest of the Hoop family, steps into action. She absolutely cannot understand all the commotion around her and goes outside.
So she stands out there, like a yellow Michelin man, looking at the black dog with his long, shaggy hair, who is so huge that he could easily breathe her in with his monstrous sniffing nose.
But Klein knows a trick to turn the monster back into a normal dog. I won’t tell you what the trick is, because I don’t want to spoil the best part.
When the black dog stands in front of the rest of the family, slovenia mobile database they realize how scared they were and how brave and fearless Klein was.
As Klein approaches the fireplace, she says there was nothing to be afraid of. The black dog follows her.
What Levi Pinfold is trying to tell us with this beautifully illustrated
book is, in my opinion, quite clear: Live with your fear, but don’t let it control you .
It was only afterwards, when I was quietly thinking about the book, that I noticed it. The black dog, which symbolizes fear, follows Klein everywhere she goes. Whether she is running through the thicket, across the frozen lake, on the icy playground or at home to the fireplace: fear is her constant companion .
And it is so true. Fear is always with us. But fear is not a social media & social ads facebook the differences between campaign, ad sets and ads within facebook ad manager bad thing. It helps us. It allows us to assess dangerous situations and prevents us from doing anything dangerous.
Those who deal openly with their fears and listen to their gut 1000 mobile phone numbers feeling in precarious situations have nothing to be ashamed of. In the middle of the night, when you are alone, would you rather take the unlit shortcut through the cemetery, or would you rather take the longer but lit, busy route?
No one should be ashamed of their fear. On the contrary, you can be proud of it because in some situations it can even save your life.
However, if the fear keeps growing because you allow it to control you and organize your whole life around it, then the only thing you can do is hide under a blanket, like the Hoop family did. Then you can no longer live in peace,