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5 Inbound Sales Metrics Every CEO Should Track NOW

5 Inbound Sales Metrics Every  As we mentioned in our post on Inbound Sales , the success of the strategy depends on well-structured metrics . Without well-designed goals and effective monitoring, efforts and investments in inbound marketing may not generate the conversions your company expects.
Although each segment has its own indicators, some metrics are always important for monitoring your sales. Here are five of the most important:

1) Revenue and Average Ticket per Salesperson

5 Inbound Sales Metrics Every  One return index that your company should monitor is how much the sales team as a whole and each salesperson generates in business periodically . The costs of hiring good professionals are always accompanied by high expectations about the return in business that they will bring – it is important to monitor metrics like these to check if the decision was correct.

Also monitor the length of sales

Cycles and average ticket values ​​per salesperson . This monitoring allows you to adjust accounts and negotiations according to the profile of the laos telegram data professionals on your team. Some salespeople perform better in shorter cycles with lower tickets, while others close larger tickets in longer periods .
A good practice for monitoring this metric is to always keep visible – not only for the team but for the entire company – a sales record board . 5 Inbound Sales Metrics Every  t should be updated by salesperson, with each new deal closed.

This way, managers can have a complete

View of individual and overall what content should b2b companies report on? performance – and identify the highlights and deficits within the team. And the salespeople themselves can know how their performance is within the team.

2) Qualified leads
The percentage of qualified leads generated is one of the main inbound sales metrics. The higher this number, the greater your chances of conversion.
Designate a person or part of your team to check the “temperature” of each potential lead and forward them to the right part of the sales funnel.

3) Customer acquisition cost

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is one of be numbers the inbound sales metrics that relates the marketing and sales investments made by the company to the total number of customers – learn more about CAC in this post .
A priori, CAC should always be below the average ticket value per customer .
However, many companies adopt an initial strategy of investing heavily in acquisition, counting on customer retention to recover the investment. This is a risk that must be monitored carefully.
Monitoring this metric also guarantees a possible cost reduction and can bring more efficiency to your team .

4) Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one of the inbound sales metrics that allows your company to track loyalty, the number of customers already acquired who would recommend your brand to business partners and other contacts. If this number is high – or at least shows an upward trend – it is a sign that your company is doing a good job.

The NPS is an excellent indicator

Of successful word of mouth, which acts as a multiplier for all of your company’s marketing efforts .

5) Conversion Rate
The most important inbound sales metric to monitor in your business is undoubtedly your conversion rate.

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